Sunday, March 2, 2008

Our new house

We are so excited to lat everyone know that we sold our house and bought a new one this week. We can't wait to move in to the new place with a place for everything and everything in it's place. We are especially thrilled about the new bathroom situation. 4 bathrooms after just 1 1/2 will be a treat. Will post pics as soon as we have some to show.


Stacy said...

I am so excited that you did a blog! I am also excited to see pics of your new house that is a mansion! Here in Hawaii that house would cost over a million dollars.

Stacy said...

You should go on my blog and click on my count downs to make one for how long til you get into your new house and Emma and Rileys birthdays

Patti said...

I love blogging! I'm glad you've decided to start one.